Currently, across the globe, South Korea has split into factions for the upcoming 20th Presidential Election. Since the Liberation of the Korean Peninsula (from the Japanese Empire 15/08/1945) and its catastrophic civil war caused by the clash of two world superpowers – marking the start of the Cold War, most of the South Korean history has been tainted by series of Military Dictatorships. Only from the 1990’s “democratic” elections were allowed (under strict military supervision), however through corruption and state-run media, only the dictatorship’s party were elected.
In 1998 the first ever President with no dictatorship ties was, only just, democratically elected. [40.3% (Democrats) vs 38.7% (One Nation – ex dictatorship)] However, only after two Democrat Presidents the Nation turned back to the dictatorship’s predecessors (due to very strong alt right media propaganda), now running under the flag of ‘conservatism’. Since the conservative landslide victory of 2007, the ex-dictatorship and oligarchs of South Korea ruled the nation with an iron fist and complete mutilation of the legal system. Eventually, with 4 million civilians protesting in the freezing winter of 2016 at ‘GwangHwaMoon Square’, the Conservative President Park, (the daughter of a previous dictator) stepped down from her power (after almost declaring martial law and ordering to run over millions of people with tanks in the capital Seoul). After such powerful revolution, the people then elected (the current) President Moon of the Democratic Party, since then he has advocated for peace and denuclearisation in the Korean peninsula and lead Korea into the only country (other than China) with an economic growth during the 2021 Pandemic shock.

Fast Forward to present time, the Election is happening this coming Wednesday of the 9th of March. Currently Korea is split into 2 factions, just like all other nations, conservative’s vs progressives. However, it is crucial to know that the Korean Conservative party ‘People Power Party”, is the direct successor of the military dictatorships of Korea and currently deeply intertwined with the oligarchs (Chaebol), mega churches, and the Media. (Note. Majority of Korean media are far right associated with the 3 largest Media companies; Chosun, Joonang and Donga being founded by the Japanese Imperial Government during the occupation and rewarded to the imperial collaborators, who’s descendants are still the owners of the company). Meanwhile, the ‘Democrats’ of South Korea, though advocating for larger social welfare policies, denuclearisation of North, and the end of the Korean War, in Western standards can be considered a party with deep socially conservative values. Though Korea may be split into ‘left vs right’ during this election, through the western viewpoint, it’s more of a fight between ‘Alt-Right ex-imperialist/dictators’ VS conservatives who sees the need for basic human rights.
Yoon Suk-yeol the candidate for PPP was the previous prosecutor general of South Korea, who was appointed by President Moon to aid the Minister of Justice Cho-Gook in reforming the prosecution system, which have been known to have absolute power in South Korea (they can issue their own warrant, search, kidnap (yes seriously), imprison and carry guns (they have their own special ops too)). Such power was given to the prosecutors by the previous Military Dictatorships for their own power, prosecutors and secret police of Korea have worked side by side endangering civilians and trampling upon the democratic movement in the last 70 years. President Moon understanding that this corruption needs to be taken care of, appointed Yoon Suk-yeol (at the time deemed as a progressive prosecutor) to reform the prosecution organisation, inside out. However, the day Yoon Suk-yeol acquired the authority of the Prosecutor General, he decided to imprison the Justice Minister’s family members, alongside high-ranking democrat officials of Korea. He even searched the Bluehouse (Korean Whitehouse) and robbed of all the computers from the presidential palace. Through his unending display of power and authority (and his hope that the country will fear and respect the Prosecution system again), he attracted the opposition of Korea (The People Power Party). With the blatantly bias media manufacturing up to 1 million articles in the span of 40 days for the Prosecutor General, his popularity skyrocketed making him the most approved presidential candidate of 2021 (41% approval). Yoon Suk-yeol, has performed terribly in the presidential debates, due to his lack of intellect, misunderstanding of his own party policies and thoughtless emotional outbursts (“I will bring the Japanese Army into Korean soil to protect us from North Korea” & “We will nuke North Korea first”).

Lee Jae Myung the candidate for Korean Democratic Party, used to be a human rights lawyer, then the Mayor of SungNam city and currently the sitting Provincial Governor of GyeongiDo (capital province). Lee’s back story is a sad and a touching one, as he grew up in a poverty-stricken household, where no one in his household could properly attend primary school. Lee to this day has disabilities that were caused by factory accidents, where he had to work since the age of 10 to make a living for his family. Lee from his hard work and tenacity, worked dangerous manual labour jobs during the day and attended night schools. Miraculously Lee managed to Graduate Law school (under full scholarship) and became a human rights lawyer and an activist defending the rights of labourers, especially children in factories. Lee’s main campaign promises have been focused on social welfare for women, children, elderly and the working class. Lee’s foreign policies have been deemed by scholars to be extensive, well researched and deeply rooted to globalist economic policies. Lee wishes to open train tracks between North and South Korea connecting Europe and Africa to Korea in hopes of creating efficient trade routes that will prosper the Korean Peninsula as a whole. Lee currently has the highest campaign promise achievement of 96% in the last 16 years as Mayor and Governor. Lee currently (3/3/21) sits on 45% approval rating, 2% higher than his conservative opposition Yoon.

This election has shown and proven with strong evidence, the corruption of the South Korean society. How the nation is ruled by the very few, who have been ruling the nation ever since the Japanese Occupation. Moreover, the corruption of the judiciary system, where the prosecution, does whatever they wish, and can lock away any citizens and forge their crimes, which then the Judge from the same faction sentences them real prison time, then followed up by the media, further demonising the innocent. The worst of all? This cycle continues. It has continued for the last 110 years, and the 2022 election polls are showing that it may yet again continue. South Korean citizens only in the span of last 5 years have already forgotten how they overthrew a corrupt authoritarian government, through peaceful protests. They have forgotten how they instated a democratically elected leader, who has established human rights for labourers, children and mothers. Yet because of unprecedented housing market boom and the unpredicted Pandemic, people are genuinely considering and believing that the ex-dictatorship can somehow bring stability and prosperity. Even if Lee and the Democrats can secure to hold the presidency, Korea will have countless of issues to tend to, such as the prosecution reformation that has been obstructed by Yoon the last 4 years. Now, if Yoon claims victory, Korea has a strong chance of returning to the Dark Ages of authoritarian control, zero support for the elderly, orphans, single mothers and the 15% of Koreans who still live in poverty. The future of Korean democracy and its people are dire, it is time to hold still and pray for the people to wake up and choose their salvation. On Wednesday 6PM (Korean Time), the ballot boxes will be opened, and the counting will start. It is expected by 1-2AM (worst case 5AM) the 20th President of South Korea will be announced.


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