Hidden spots at UQ St Lucia
Dr Mary Mahoney AO Amphitheatre The recently revitalised amphitheatre, nestled by the UQ lake, is the perfect place for a lunchtime picnic with friends, relaxing, reading a book, or catching up on some study! The area is also used for cultural activities, so if you’re lucky, you may catch a performance! Café Nano Open 7 […]
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UQU Collectives
There are a handful of student collectives at UQ that are like clubs, except membership is free and automatic based on a shared marginalised identity (except for a couple of special ones!). If you’re a collective member, you can have as much or as little involvement with your collective(s) as you like – they’ll still […]
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Public Transportation for Students
Public transportation trips are up 19% compared to the same time last year. 50¢ fares have been a significant factor in this resurgence. They have acted as a key piece of cost-of-living relief and a way to help solve Brisbane’s growing traffic congestion problems. A recent study by INRIX Global compared cities around the world […]
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UQ St Lucia Toilet Reviews
Hartley Teakle (Levels 2 and 3) El: Hartley Teakle is notorious for its odd layout and Kafkaesque nightmare vibe, so naturally, its bathrooms would be the same. On the third level, all the toilets are separated, with the women’s bathroom next to the elevator and the men’s next to the wing entrance. The bathrooms are […]
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Breaking the Bubbles on Gatton Campus
A common phenomenon among Gatton students is getting stuck firmly on the inside or the outside of social bubbles. For the most part, people spend the first few days of semester meeting people in their classes or who live in their vicinity, then sticking together like glue. And if you don’t find your group fast, […]
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NUS National Conference Recap
During the 2024 UQ Union election season, we collectively elected seven members to the National Union of Students (NUS). The NUS is the peak representative body for 1.2 million tertiary students, advocating on their behalf and lobbying the federal government for better student conditions. A key victory in 2024 was the federal government’s commitment to […]
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2024: A Year In Review
2024 was a hectic year for the UQ Union. While we cannot include everything that happened last year, here is a timeline of some noteworthy events. UQ Gaza Solidarity Encampment On the 29th of April, the UQ Gaza Solidarity Encampment was established, joining a global solidarity movement that started at Columbia University in the United […]
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Abortion Rights are Under Attack in Queensland
With the introduction of a new Liberal government, the rights of ordinary people are under attack. The LNP won on the basis of a racist youth crime policy, and with most of party members being sexist bigots, it’s no surprise that the Liberals are already failing to defend abortion rights in Queensland. The Queensland state […]
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2024 to date & Challengers, reviewed.
In 2023, the film community bore witness to the resurgence and resounding success of the authentic, original story. From box office hits like Oppenheimer, Barbie and Across the Spiderverse to Celine Song’s directorial debut, Past Lives, the bar for films in 2024 couldn’t have been set higher. Audiences want more than what the likes of […]
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The future of International student enrolments – Ministerial intervention?
The higher education sector is currently in a heated debate with the government over the proposed legislation that could potentially cap international student enrolments in higher education providers (i.e. universities and TAFEs). This current draft of the proposal, which could have far-reaching implications, emerged earlier this month in the Draft International Education and Skills Strategic […]
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