South Korean Presidential Election of 2022. Wednesday 9th of March

Currently, across the globe, South Korea has split into factions for the upcoming 20th Presidential Election. Since the Liberation of the Korean Peninsula (from the Japanese Empire 15/08/1945) and its catastrophic civil war caused by the clash of two world superpowers – marking the start of the Cold War, most of the South Korean history has been tainted by series of Military Dictatorships. Only from the 1990’s “democratic” elections were allowed (under strict military supervision), however through corruption and state-run media, only the dictatorship’s party were elected.

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Solidarity Forgone

There are a host of reasons for the decline of unionism. But more than anything else, we can blame forgetfulness. I’m coming back to Vonnegut here, whose socialism came from humanism, not from Marx. In America, whom Australia inevitably follows, Vonnegut thought that the majority of people were unaware of the great contributions of socialism “to elevate the self-respect, the dignity and political acumen…of our working class”.

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In Difference

I remember the day it started in those first moments of true selves-awareness. It started with a conversation at the right time in the right mental space. My friend was having an identity crisis – her own awakening, and that awakening stirred something in me. I don’t remember what the words were that triggered the feeling, but I was left with a deep shock and a sense of terror.

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Opinion: University and TAFE the targets of Federal Budget

The federal budget handed down in May was full of many glaring failures. Including no investment in renewable energy, but instead money being poured into hydrogen production hubs (which themselves are not green if they are not powered by renewable energy) and developing ‘low’ emissions technology. The irony being, what the purpose is of tackling […]

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Opinion: Lift the blockade

Starting on the 11th of July this year, Cuba has been rocked by protests, either for or against the government. Those demanding change are concerned about the shortages of food and medicine, exacerbated by the catastrophic affects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the country. As a country that relies heavily on tourist dollars to keep […]

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