We Need Both: In-Person and Remote Options NOW!

With many Australian universities returning to in-person education, online-options are being left behind and so are disabled students. Prior to 2020, many tertiary education institutions across Australia had very limited options available for online study. This is despite repeated calls from the disability community for adequately resourced online options that support both staff and students, […]

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How worker’s solidarity abolished slavery in the Pilbara

On May Day 1946, eight hundred aboriginal pastoral workers struck in the Pilbara, initiating the longest strike in Australian history up until that point. The demands of the strike were basic and laid bare their horrible conditions. They wanted equal wages with their white counterparts, as the men were either paid a fraction of the […]

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Resignations and protests: King’s sudden decision to go co-residential brings backlash

Residents at King’s College at the University of Queensland have created a website condemning the college administration’s sudden decision to open the college to women in 2020. In March, King’s College Council voted to make the college co-residential without notice to staff or students after over a century as a male-only institution. The new website, […]

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Australia needs more climate scientists

By Akanksha Singh With 100 of 140 climate scientists made redundant by CSIRO after budget cuts, and more CSIRO and NCCARF funds axed under the 2017 federal budget, it seems Australia’s climate scientists are in hot water (pun fully intended). The 2017 Australian Climate Science Capability Review by the Australian Academy of Science concluded that […]

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Get Generous

Stephanie Samios from UQ QPSA giving blood   If you haven’t heard, there is a current shortage of O-negative blood, but why is this important? Because O-negative blood is known as the “universal” blood type, which can be transfused to almost any patient in need, but only 9 percent of the population has it. In […]

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