
Everyone’s struggling but not the man-in-the-middle

Here at UQ St Lucia, the daily grind of student life intersects with the necessity of grocery shopping. The proximity of major supermarket competitors like Coles and Woolies should theoretically drive down grocery prices for city dwellers. However, this stark fantasy tale is as fictitious as the salaries the big bosses of these organisations received […]

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UQ disciplinary letter shuns Human Rights

Alan Smithee & Billie Kugelman UQ has sent out letters to students facing disciplinary action which claim that enforcing the Student Code of Conduct is more important than *checks notes* students’ human rights. The letters, apparently authored by so-called ‘Integrity Officers’, were sent with an offer: accepting the University’s proposed punishments would mean that students’ […]

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TLDR: UQ Study Resources

Whether it be an all-nighter for an exam the next day or doing all your referencing in APA before realizing it should have been MLA, here are some tools provided by UQ to help make the unending burden of student life just a little easier. UQ Library: Most students are already familiar with UQ Library […]

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Student solidarity with electrical workers on strike at UQ!

Electrical workers at UQ are on strike demanding a wage increase of $3.70 per hour. After years of no pay increase members of the Electrical Trades Union (ETU) are fighting back, holding an indefinite protest on campus on Sir Fred Schoenell Drive until UGL management agree to their demands. Student Action councillors spoke to picketing […]

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Eatin’ Ramen, Still Starvin’: UQ Food Insecurity

This lack of fresh produce exacerbates an issue known as food insecurity. Described in one work, ‘Food Insecurity on Campus’, as “limited and/or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods or ability to obtain these foods in a socially acceptable way”. Eating large quantities of fast food may ease hunger but ultimately don’t add to your nutrition intake.

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Something sorely lacking during my own time spent at university was a sense of community. The majority of my first year had been spent behind a computer screen and I had quickly learnt that trying to make friends through a zoom chat is not an easy feat.

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