Something sorely lacking during my own time spent at university was a sense of community. The majority of my first year had been spent behind a computer screen and I had quickly learnt that trying to make friends through a zoom chat is not an easy feat.

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Student Access Plans*

STUDENT ACCESS PLANS SAPs are communication tools, between you and your course coordinators, which convey the adjustments you may need to ensure you have equal access to learning, and to remove any barriers to participation. SAPs include discussion surrounding in-class participation, activities, and assessments as well as recommendations for reasonable adjustments in your courses to […]

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Gatton Halls

With 2022 rolling in, many of us are looking forward to new beginnings and the UQ Gatton Halls of Residence are no exception. I began my time at Halls in the O’ Week of 2020, when the virus was a distant inconvenience. I don’t think I’ve ever partied as much as during that month-long bender: […]

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O-Week Anti Boeing Anti War Protests

At the time of dissemination, that of our first 2022 edition, the 14th will likely have seen leafleting and soapbox style speeches about the ongoing atrocities in West Papua, andBoeing’s involvement. On the 15th, protesters intend to have occupied – and blocked access to – the Boeing Institute’s rooms in the Hawken Engineering Building. National […]

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Larrikin Holiday Blues

I was filthy shit at coding, and I soon regretted my enrolment. Having failed my first assignment, I decided it would be best to drop the course before suffering academic penalty. Months remained, in the summer semester, and my parents were convinced I was still enrolled; each day I would get out of bed later, go to uni later, and come back home later. Guilt built up inside me.

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The winners and losers of UQ Giving Day

On October 20, 2021, UQ Alumni hosted their annual UQ Giving Day a day encouraging alumni, staff, students, community members, and everyone in between to donate to a variety of causes throughout UQ. For many causes the big draw is that the university will match any donation made to the cause’s fund. A standout performer […]

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The students fighting the flu

An average of 2740.2 Queenslanders were admitted to intensive care units each year between 2015 and 2019 for the flu, now a group of current and former UQ students is working to help reduce the risk to some of the state’s most vulnerable. The VacSeen Project is an initiative started and led by UQ medical […]

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