University Accords (Reform): The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

On the 25th of February 2024, the Australian Government finally released the University Accords Final Report. The TLDR version is: it’s been dubbed a ‘once in a generation’ reform/consultation process of what universities should be and how to support students. So why didn’t I know about this, and how was my voice heard, you may […]

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Lowering the age cap for graduate visas will be catastrophic to Australian Research

Recap: In early December last year, the Federal Government released its 99-page Migration Strategy to address temporary skills shortages and close ‘loopholes’ in the existing migration system. The key themes of this package include better protection for the worker’s rights of temporary migrants and a renewed focus on permanent migrants to meet Australia’s workforce needs. […]

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Dutton’s Woolworths Boycott Backlash

The Leader of the Opposition, Peter Dutton, is facing immense backlash for advocating people to boycott Woolworths for no longer stocking Australia Day merchandise. This backlash comes after a Woolworth store in Teneriffe was found vandalised with “5 days 26 Jan Aussie Oi Oi Woolies fuck u” spray painted on its exterior, as reported by […]

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It’s Time

Jude Forrest discusses republicanism in Australia with the launch of the UQ Australian Republic Club and its efforts around education and the mobilisation of Australia. Change is coming. Twenty-three years after the failed 1999 referendum, we now have assistant Minister for the Republic Matt Thistlethwaite to oversee our transition from a constitutional monarchy to an […]

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Labor’s climate bill is an exercise in greenwashing

We are already seeing the effects of climate change. A Guardian analysis found that 71% of the 500 extreme weather events analysed were made likelier or intensified thanks to climate change. 12 of those, among which are the 2020 Siberian heatwave and the 2018 Northern Hemisphere and Japanese heatwaves, would be outright impossible without it.

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Scoop: Courier Mail Hit Piece (?)

The Courier Mail (CM) is preparing a story, likely a beat up (let’s be honest), on Semper Floreat about two of the articles in our latest print edition. The University and the Student Union have been approached by a CM journalist describing our hypothetical guide to safe shoplifting and a story about police abolition as, […]

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