A common phenomenon among Gatton students is getting stuck firmly on the inside or the outside of social bubbles. For the most part, people spend the first few days of semester meeting people in their classes or who live in their vicinity, then sticking together like glue. And if you don’t find your group fast, you’re going to struggle.
There are a few contributing factors:
- It’s a small campus! You’re only really going to see the people you share a schedule with.
- Very few hangout spots where you might meet someone from a different degree.
- Events at Gatton are almost always degree -or club- specific.
- People don’t tend to hang out on campus, they’ll often dip to go to work or get constrained by the intercampus bus schedule.
- There’s a big drinking and sports culture, so if you’re not the type to enjoy hitting the bar or the field, people in your degree or study focus are your only option.
So, what can you do to break the bubbles?
Easier said than done, but don’t be scared to talk to people! We all tend to judge on first impressions, but you might be surprised if you take the time to talk with someone. If you hear people talking about something you’re interested in, put your shame aside for a moment and say “Hey, I like that too!”
Join clubs and societies and show up to their events when you can, even if you’re going by yourself. Don’t discount the value of simply becoming a familiar face somewhere, even if you’ve never spoken to anyone. Besides, the people who are outgoing enough to go to events won’t turn away a new face!
Don’t give up! Even if it takes a while. We may be a small campus, but there are so many faces and so many people to meet.
By Jester Roach and Carly Khaw
Views: 8